The Sylva Herald Editorial 12/20/07 | ||
Compromise is needed on local traffic issue The debate about what to do about traffic problems on N.C. 107 has gone on far too long. If we’re not careful, we’ll end up like the situation in Buncombe County where disagreement about how many lanes the I-26 connector should have and what type bridge should be built over the French Broad River have pushed construction back years while traffic bottlenecks worsen. The time has come for compromise from all interested parties, including county and town governments, the N.C. Department of Transportation and the Smart Roads Coalition. For starters, DOT should remove the segment of the proposed Southern Loop from N.C. 107 to U.S. 23/441 from any future planning. At the same time, Southern Loop opponents, including the Smart Roads group, should accept that the segment of the proposed highway from 107 to U.S. 23/74 is a viable option that must be considered. The 107-441 segment is not needed since roads such as N.C. 116, North and South River roads and Old Settlement Road provide alternative routes. No such alternate route exists for traffic going from 107 to 23/74. Building only the one segment addresses the Smart Roads argument that the road would hurt downtown Sylva. A plan by DOT Division Engineer Joel Setzer for the new highway to have full access control takes care of the concern that the road would lead to sprawl. We’re not endorsing the connector road yet. Before making a decision, we want to see projected traffic counts to decide if the improvement to traffic congestion on 107 would be worth the millions of dollars needed to build the route. At the same time, we are strong in our belief that the road deserves to be on the table as the discussion moves forward. Also deserving of a fair hearing is a proposal by Sylva Planning Director Jim Aust to build a series of two-lane roads to connect with existing roads as a way of moving some local traffic off 107. We’re concerned that proposal could lead to increased traffic congestion near Smoky Mountain High and Fairview Elementary schools as part of a new network that would run from Hospital Road to Fairview Road. However, that shouldn’t be a deal breaker. One thing we don’t favor is a roundabout at the intersection of N.C. 107 and U.S. 23 Business. It doesn’t appear that even a two-lane roundabout would be enough to handle traffic at that busy intersection and could make a bad situation even worse. A better plan would be to build another lane entering town from 107. County commissioners have shown the willingness to take the lead on other tough issues. Working together with officials from Sylva, Dillsboro, Webster and Forest Hills, as well as the DOT and Smart Roads, we believe commissioners could put us on a course to an acceptable solution. If everyone enters the discussion with an open mind, individuals may not get exactly what they want but we think a workable plan could be agreed upon by 90 percent of county residents. N.C. 107 has been a festering wound for too long, and a Band-Aid approach won’t work. We need bold steps to provide traffic relief for years to come. | is a Community News Portal for transportation issues in Jackson County, North Carolina
Smart Roads Alliance

The Jackson County Smart Roads Alliance was formed in 2002 in response to a proposal by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to build a new $132 million* highway through the middle of our most precious and beautiful rural county. Our goal since 2002 has been to work together as a community and create smart solutions to our traffic and transportation issues. (* $132 million construction cost source: NCDOT 2008)
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North Carolina Department of Transportation

NCDOT is planning to build the $132 million Southern Loop Bypass (NC 107 Connector) from US 23-74 in Balsam to NC 107 between Sylva and Cullowhee - NCDOT project STIP R-4745 is funded and construction will begin in 2016 unless the public demands other solutions.
The Resolutions
The Resolutions, unanimously signed in 2003 by the representative leaders from all four of Jackson County's incorporated towns (Sylva, Dillsboro, Webster, Forest Hills) requested that NCDOT "remove the Southern Loop Bypass from its long-range plan" and instead develop strategies for "improving existing roads as alternatives to the Bypass". A copy of the resolution and a petitions with thousands of Jackson County citizen's signatures were turned in to NCDOT at their annual State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) meetings to stop this proposed new highway. Despite public opposition, NCDOT is moving forward with this massive new highway project.
Other important articles with background information:
2009 - Smart Roads Alliance Position: Jackson County Comprehensive Transportation Plan
2008 - Construction on 23-74/107 connector could begin in 2015
2008 - Smart Roads Files Compaint Over Southern Loop
2008 - Smart Roads Event Discusses Alternatives to Southern Loop
2007 - Leaders, citizens demand input as road plan progresses
2007 - Southern Loop Opposition Mounts
2007 - Burrell, Setzer Plug Plan for Southern Loop (ignoring public outcry and towns' wishes)
2007 - Southern Loop On Priority List, Transportation Advisory Committee Disagrees
2007 - STIP Includes Funding For Portion of Southern Loop
2003 - "Who will decide the future growth of Jackson County?"
2003 - Sylva, Dillsboro Join Official Opposition to Southern Loop (The Resolutions)
2002 - Smart Roads Alliance Formed
2001 - NCDOT Division 14 Engineer Ron Watson updates EDC on 'southern loop' status
2001 - Southern Loop Feasibility Study Approved
The original proposed new highway project would have cost over $230* million to construct ($26 million per mile) and continued to US 23-441 through Webster. The Jackson County Smart Roads Alliance was instrumental in getting the Webster portion of the bypass removed from the R-4745 plan. (* NCDOT 2001 estimate)
Other important articles with background information:
2009 - Smart Roads Alliance Position: Jackson County Comprehensive Transportation Plan
2008 - Construction on 23-74/107 connector could begin in 2015
2008 - Smart Roads Files Compaint Over Southern Loop
2008 - Smart Roads Event Discusses Alternatives to Southern Loop
2007 - Leaders, citizens demand input as road plan progresses
2007 - Southern Loop Opposition Mounts
2007 - Burrell, Setzer Plug Plan for Southern Loop (ignoring public outcry and towns' wishes)
2007 - Southern Loop On Priority List, Transportation Advisory Committee Disagrees
2007 - STIP Includes Funding For Portion of Southern Loop
2003 - "Who will decide the future growth of Jackson County?"
2003 - Sylva, Dillsboro Join Official Opposition to Southern Loop (The Resolutions)
2002 - Smart Roads Alliance Formed
2001 - NCDOT Division 14 Engineer Ron Watson updates EDC on 'southern loop' status
2001 - Southern Loop Feasibility Study Approved

The original proposed new highway project would have cost over $230* million to construct ($26 million per mile) and continued to US 23-441 through Webster. The Jackson County Smart Roads Alliance was instrumental in getting the Webster portion of the bypass removed from the R-4745 plan. (* NCDOT 2001 estimate)
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Editorial: Compromise is needed on local traffic issues (Sylva Herald 12/20/07)
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We are not against growth and development,
nor a reasonable expansion of existing roads."
- Lydia Aydlett, Smart Roads Alliance
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
The editorial says: "No such alternate route exists for traffic going from 107 to 23/74." Cope Creek works just fine for me and they are already beginning to improve it.